
Curated Essex Artists & Artisans

Welcome to the Folk & Bespoke Community

I hope that these few helpful points, will help you to feel at home and help to alleviate any nerves or concerns. All details can also be found via my Linktree.


Our Top Tips...

If you have requested to use electric, your plugs must be PAT tested. 6ft tables are provided, just remember your tablecloth!

You will need Public Liability Insurance and this company offers a very reasonably priced policy from about £4 per month. Here’s a link if you would like to take a look.


It’s a good idea to have a card reader and I can recommend the Sum Up Card reader. Here’s a link to the one that I have and you will receive a discount if you buy via this link.


Set up at my events is from 9am. The events run from 10am-3pm.

6ft tables are provided, just remember your tablecloth, and on arrival, you will be directed to your table.

Please can  you send me an image that I can use on my socials to promote you.

Free entry for visitors.
My contact number for the day is 07702 220683

It’s a good idea to share and follow everyone on Instagram! You will find a list of everyone’s links on a separate document in my linktree.

I post online at regular intervals and share my graphics and copy with you, if you can share as well, to gain as much publicity as we can. Let’s keep on tagging, sharing, liking, commenting as much as we can, in between the million other things we all need to be doing as well! That’s why I share my content with you as it will free up some of your time.

The Folk & Bespoke website is very interactive, with event details, a live calendar, up to date photos from our events, blogs and updated vendor listings.

We have a WhatsApp group and tend to communicate by email and WhatsApp and when an email is sent, I always send the link to the email on WhatsApp as well. Hopefully, the various ways of communicating work for everybody. Just to say that the WhatsApp group is for questions and snippets of information that could potentially help everyone or the question is for anyone. Can I politely ask that if you have question that is specifically for me and a conversation that’s just between us, that you either email or

WhatsApp me direct, just so that there aren’t too many unnecessary WhatsApp messages in the group chat. I don’t want people to mute the chat because of that and then miss out on important and relevant information. Hope that’s okay? I’m always happy to reply to individuals in whatever way works best for them.

We also have a swap shop WhatsApp group, where people offer for sale/ exchange/ giveaway any bits and pieces from their businesses that they no longer need. Feel free to join this group too!

Please like Folk & Bespoke’s Facebook page and Instagram page, as well as joining the Folk & Bespoke Group. Once you are part of the Facebook Group, you can share interesting thoughts and articles, to help grow our community. If you would like me to share any of your posts/ details/ blogs etc on the actual Facebook page, please send me across your content and I will share for you. The more content we can generate between us, the more traffic we will get, making us more successful. Please can you also share the Folk & Bespoke page and events, so that everyone can find out about us and attend our events! Tag Folk & Bespoke in your posts please! Your friends, family and followers will only know where to find you if you tell them and tag Folk & Bespoke as well!

All events are advertised via fliers, posters (online as well as physical versions around the local area for each venue), banners at venues, social media posts/ events (paid and in groups) posters in local shops/ community hubs/ libraries etc and then on the actual day of each event, I will have someone walking around the local area, handing out leaflets, saying that there is an artisan market taking place at….(whatever venue it is!) Posters and fliers for all of the upcoming events are available to collect some from me!

Other ways to spread the word are to tell people via your own social media that you will be at a particular event and tag F&B in your post, email your customers to let them know that you will be at an event and maybe send out some of the fliers with any orders that you post, telling your customers what events you will be exhibiting at. Another great idea, that was passed onto me by someone else, is to add all of the events that you are going to be at to your email signature, at the bottom of each email that you send out. Put your name, trading name, website, etc and then include “I will be trading at……XXXX event AT……, ON…..Come and visit!” A great little tip I think!

I’ve just seen that on our Facebook page, we still only have a few reviews, despite you all sending me lovely comments after all of last years events. Is there any chance that you could add your lovely comments to the review section on the Facebook page please, when you get a “spare” minute or two!!! I have all of your comments, but obviously I can’t add them to the page. (For obvious reasons!!!) With so much competition for events, it would be lovely to make ours stand out from the rest even

more!!! Remember, the reviews will benefit all of you! If people see that the events have good feedback, they will come and see us again and bring their friends, hopefully!

If you can all use and share the website as well, that will help to build our following! Also, please, please share any of your wonderful work and videos etc in our Folk & Bespoke Facebook group.

Most of all...

Wishing you the best of luck and most of all, enjoy creating your work and exhibiting with Folk & Bespoke!


Have a lovely day!
Love, Katy x

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